Chief Scouts Bronze Award




This badge is the highest award available in the Beaver Scout Section. It is gained by completing:

·         the Outdoor Challenge, plus

·         the Friendship or Discovery Challenge, plus

·         a personal challenge.


If a Beaver Scout has not quite completed the requirements for the top award when they move on to the Cub Scout Pack, they may complete them in their first few weeks in the Cub Scout Pack.


 The personal challenge


Beaver Scouts need to complete the following, after agreeing the challenge with a Leader and discussing the level of commitment required.

They must develop or start a new skill, talent or hobby and show their improvement over six weeks during their last six months in the Colony. Evidence needs to be provided to demonstrate this. For example, the Beaver Scout could:

·         explain to the rest of the Colony what has been done

·         put on a display of how they have improved (e.g. increased their collection)

·         produce a certificate gained through swimming, gymnastics, ballet, music etc.

As with all the other Challenges you will be able to add to this list depending on what you agree with the Beaver Scouts.



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Last updated: Friday March 19, 2004.