





The Cub Scout must carry out at least two of the following - either with a group of other Cub Scouts or alone.

1.      Help to make up a mime or play and perform it.

2.      Perform a puppet play or shadowgraph using puppets, which they have made.

3.      Help to plan and make an entertainment recorded on video or audiotape.

4.      Sing two songs.

5.      Perform some folk or traditional dances.

6.      Make a selection of simple rhythm instruments and use them as accompaniments.

7.      Take part in a gymnastic display.

8.      Make up and perform a dance to a piece of music of their own choice.

9.      Help plan and perform a series of magic tricks.

10. Take part in a gang show, concert or band performance.


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For problems or questions regarding this web contact DORCHESTER SCOUT GROUP.
Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.