Global Consevation






The Cub Scout must carry out these projects as a member of a group of Cub Scouts and not alone.

This group may be a Six or other small group.

1.      While they are working on this Badge with their group:

a.      find some examples showing how people have damaged the environment and other examples showing how people have conserved the environment

b.      find examples of where the Country Code is being broken and what has happened as a result.

2.      Take part as a group in two projects, such as:

a.      clearing a ditch, pond or creek

b.      making, setting up and maintaining a bird feeder, bird table, bird nesting

c.       box or bird bath

d.      looking after a piece of land or a garden

e.      tidying up a piece of wasteland

f.        taking part in an anti-litter campaign

g.      planting a tree or shrub

h.     looking after a compost bin.

3.      Choose one from the following:

a.      make a display to inform others about an animal, bird, plant, fish, etc. which is in danger of extinction

b.      organise a 'save it' campaign to encourage others to conserve energy, e.g. home insulation, fuel efficient engines, etc.

c.       take part in or start a recycling scheme, e.g. bottles, cans, waste paper

visit a forest, wood or campsite and take part in a project on tree conservation. With expert help, find out how trees can be cared for.

Where Cub Scouts are encouraged to carry out a project anywhere near water, for example, clearing a ditch or pond or carrying out a small fish survey, Leaders must have adequate arrangements for the safety of the Cub Scouts. They must also ensure that the activity is properly supervised.

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Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.