




The Scout must complete these three activities.

1.      As a member of a group take part in the following:

·         An indoor pioneering project, for example, constructing a guided missile launcher or chariot.

·         An outdoor pioneering project, for example, building a monkey bridge, water raft, or parallel or aerial runway.

2.      Demonstrate the following:

·         A whipping

·         A splice

·         The correct way to coil and store a rope

·         The use of simple blocks and tackle

·         The use of levers to extract or move heavy weights

·         Anchorage for firm and soft ground

·         An understanding of the need for supervision and safety in pioneering projects.

3.      Demonstrate and know the names of at least ten knots and lashings. These could include:

·         Sheetbend

·         Clove hitch

·         Round turn and two half hitches

·         Bowline

·         Timber hitch

·         Sheepshank

·         Square and sheer lashings

·         Harvesters hitch

·         Double sheetbend

·         Fisherman's knot

·         Rolling hitch

·         Figure of eight lashing

·         Diagonal lashing

Reference should be made to Policy, Organisation and Rules.

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For problems or questions regarding this web contact DORCHESTER SCOUT GROUP.
Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.