




The Scout must complete the following:

1.      Own, or have used satisfactorily for at least six months, a bicycle properly equipped and in good working order.

2.      Demonstrate an ability to carry out small general repairs, including at least four of the following, to the satisfaction of the assessor:

a.      Replacement of a brake cable

b.      Replacement of a worn chain

c.       Replacement of a broken spoke

d.      Removal and replacement of cranks or pedals

e.      Adjustment of bearings and gears.

3.      Complete all the requirements in one of the following alternatives:


  Alternative A - On the road


1.      Explain to the assessor what extra precautions should be taken when cycling in the dark or in wet weather conditions, including lights, reflectors, dynamos, and the additional time needed by those in motor vehicles to stop in the wet.

2.      Demonstrate the ability to control a cycle through a slalom course.

3.      Show an understanding of the Highway Code as it relates to cyclists including road signs and helmets.

4.      Have a basic knowledge of First Aid and what to do in the case of accidents.

5.      Have a sound knowledge of map reading, be able to estimate distances, identify countryside features and terrain and orientate a map using local geography and a compass.

6.      Plan and carry out an all-day ride of not less than 40 kilometres (25 miles).


  Alternative B - Off road


1.      Have an understanding of The Scout Association's Rules for taking part in adventurous activities.

2.      Show an understanding of the Mountain Bike Code of Conduct.

3.      Demonstrate the ability to control the cycle over different types of terrain.

4.      Show an understanding of the damage that may be caused to the environment through careless cycling across the countryside.

5.      Have a basic knowledge of First Aid including the treatment of hypothermia and know what to do in the case of an accident.

6.      Have a sound knowledge of map reading, be able to estimate distances, identify countryside features and terrain and orientate a map using a compass.

7.      Plan and carry out an all-day ride of not less than 30 kilometres (20 miles).


  Alternative C - Cycle tricks


1.      Achieve the Gold Trix Award of the British Schools Cycling Association.


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For problems or questions regarding this web contact DORCHESTER SCOUT GROUP.
Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.