




The Scout must complete these five requirements.

1.      Working as a group of at least four and not more than seven Scouts, carry out three expeditions or journeys as follows:

·         A journey or expedition of at least 12 kilometres.

·         Two journeys or expeditions of at least 20 kilometres, both of which must include an overnight stop.

2.      Before undertaking each expedition or journey, the group must provide a detailed route card.

3.      All members of the group must also show that they know the intended route and have knowledge of basic navigation, First Aid and emergency procedures.

4.      After each journey or expedition, the group must give a verbal report.

5.      Demonstrate their awareness of the latest developments in technology such as the Global Positioning System.


Reference should be made to Policy, Organisation and Rules, rules relating to Land Activities and Adventurous Activity Authorisation. Expeditions by canoe, horseback or cycle of similar duration may be acceptable, provided at least one overnight journey or expedition on foot is carried out. Cycle helmets should be worn at all times during cycling activities. The distances stated may be varied at the assessor's discretion. Alternative activities may be carried out as agreed by the assessor.


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For problems or questions regarding this web contact DORCHESTER SCOUT GROUP.
Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.