







The Scout must complete all the requirements in one of the following alternatives

  Alternative A


1.      Using 1:50 000 and 1:25 000 scale Ordnance Survey maps:

·         Show that they understand the meaning of scale, true, grid and magnetic north and can recognise conventional map signs.

·         Interpret contour lines in terms of shape and steepness of terrain, and know the local names and meanings of topographical features such as col, ridge and spur.

·         Show how to set the map with and without a compass. Be able to use and to give six-figure grid references and demonstrate the use of a Romer measurer to improve accuracy.

·         Show how to measure distance on the map and how to estimate timings for a particular route.

·         Show how to find north without the aid of a compass, by day or night.

·         Demonstrate their awareness of the latest developments in electronic technology such as the Global Positioning System.

2.      Be familiar with the traffic signs and signals as illustrated in The Highway Code.

3.      With other Scouts, accompany a motorist, each Scout taking it in turns to act successfully as a navigator for a journey of at least 30 kilometres. The route should avoid motorways and other major roads and, whenever possible, should be ideally a cross-country route using a number of different roads and lanes. The journey should also include navigating with no previous preparation of the route.

4.      Accurately complete two compass routes of at least two kilometres, one with the beginning and end as defined on a map by the assessor, and the second chosen by themselves. During these exercises, show that they can:

·         Convert grid bearings to magnetic bearings, and vice versa.

·         Use back bearings to check their route.

·         Pinpoint their position using a compass.

·         Demonstrate methods of route selection, including aiming off, and the four right angles and step counting techniques.


  Alternative B


1.      Given a series of three headings and corresponding tracks, work out in each case the type and the amount of drift in degrees and illustrate each case by a simple diagram.

2.      Demonstrate with a compass how an aircraft can be turned on to three successive compass headings.

3.      Choose one of the following two activities:

a.      Draw on a topographical air map a track for an imaginary flight of not less than 80 kilometres, and point out the landmarks which would show up on both sides of the track in clear visibility at an altitude of about 600 metres.

b.      Identify on a topographical air map landmarks seen during a flight of about half an hour's duration in clear weather.

4.      Illustrate by means of a simple diagram how a fix can be obtained from two position lines. Describe briefly two ways in which bearings can be obtained in an aircraft, thus enabling position lines to be drawn on a chart.

5.      Show an understanding of compass headings by completing the following two tasks:

a.      Given the true heading and the variation and deviation, work out the compass heading on which the pilot should be flying.

b.      Given two sets of true, magnetic and compass headings, work out the variation and deviation in each case.

6.      Illustrate by simple diagrams latitude and longitude.

7.      Draw on a topographical map the track between any two places not less than 100 kilometres apart, and measure the exact distance. Given the aircraft's air speed as 130km/h, work out the time of flight from overhead starting point to overhead destination in each of the following conditions:

·         With no wind at all

·         With a head wind of 30km/h

·         With a tail wind of 50km/h.

8.      Demonstrate their awareness of the latest developments in electronic technology such as the Global Positioning System.


  Alternative C


1.      Have a good working knowledge of charts, including the projection, datum and symbols used and the tidal information given.

2.      Display an aptitude in compasses by completing the following three activities:

a.      Read a mariner's compass marked in points and degrees and have a knowledge of compasses generally, including variation and deviation.

b.      Be able to apply variation and deviation to a compass course or bearing to obtain a true reading. Give a true reading to obtain a compass course.

c.       Understand how compass error can be found from a transit bearing.

3.      Complete the following four activities:

a.      Understand the theory of how a position may be found from any two position lines.

b.      Plot a position from any three cross bearings. Understand what is meant by a 'cocked hat' and how to use it safely.

c.       Plot a position using the 'running fix' method.

d.      Plot a position using a combination of compass bearings and any one or more of the following:

·         Decca or satellite navigation system

·         Vertical sextant angle

·         Horizontal sextant angle

·         Line of soundings

·         Transits.

4.      Have a working knowledge of tide tables and tidal stream atlases.

5.      Understand the use of the marine log to obtain distance, run and speed.

6.      Understand the buoyage system for United Kingdom coastal waters and other methods of marking dangers and channels.

7.      Undertake a coastal voyage of between four and six hours acting as navigator. A log must be kept showing the courses steered, distance run, navigation marks passed and weather experienced. During the voyage:

·         plot the estimated position every hour by keeping up the dead reckoning.

·         whenever appropriate, and not less than once per hour, plot an observed position by bearings or other means of obtaining a fix.

The voyage, which need not have a definite destination, should be planned on the chart beforehand using tidal streams to the best advantage and giving hourly courses to steer for an assumed speed.

8.      Demonstrate their awareness of the latest developments in electronic technology such as the Global Positioning System


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Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.