




 Practical requirements


1.      Swimming.

2.      Boat handling.

·         Row a dinghy single-handed and carry out in sequence the following manoeuvres:

·         Take the boat away from a bank side mooring

·         Row in a straight line

·         Complete a figure-of-eight course

·         Scull over the stern between two points 20 metres apart and turn through 180 degrees

·         Draw stroke over the bow.

3.      Making fast.

·         Using a round turn and two half hitches on a bight, moor to a ring post or bollard.

4.      Parts of a boat.

·         Be able to point out and name the basic parts of boats normally used, for example:

·         Rudder - Painter

·         Oars - Crutches

·         Gunwale - Rowlocks

·         Tiller - Thwart

·         Thole pins - Transom

·         Stretcher - Sculling notch

5.      Act as part of a boat's crew.

·         Take a place in a boat's crew as an oarsman, including stroke.

·         Understand the boat orders and be able to act on them.

·         As a Bowman, act as lookout and be able to report hazards to the Coxswain using the standard indications of directions: for instance, port quarter, and dead ahead.

6.      Heaving a line.

·         Heave an unweighted line to land within reach of a target at five metres with not more than three attempts.


 Onshore training requirements


1.      Understand the safety rules that apply to Scout boating.

2.      Know the difference between a life-jacket and a buoyancy aid and show the correct method of wearing them.

3.      Understand the importance of wearing appropriate clothing for various weather conditions.

4.      Know what actions and safety requirements to take when being towed.

5.      Have a basic knowledge of the 'rules of the road' for their local waters.


Reference should be made to Policy, Organisation and Rules.


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Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.