Small Holder





The Scout must complete all the requirements in one of the following alternatives 

  Alternative A


1.      Have a good knowledge of the farming practices of their local area, with a more detailed knowledge of those of the immediate area in which they live.

2.      Know the farm organisation and daily and seasonal operations of a farm of their own choice, with special reference to the livestock, crops, cultivations and machinery and labour force of the farm.

3.      Complete the following two tasks:

a.      Discuss with the assessor and give an account of the changes in the farm practices that have taken place recently in their immediate area, with particular reference to the starting or giving up of crops or types of stock, and the reasons for these changes.

b.      Produce a set of 12 photographs, of at least eight different seasonal jobs that cover a whole year, taken by themselves on the farm of their choice. Simple snapshots are enough. Give a brief description of what they represent.


  Alternative B


1.      Cultivate out of doors an area of at least 15 square metres for a year, during which time three kinds of hardy annual flower, three kinds of vegetable and two kinds each of bulbs, herbaceous plants and flowering shrubs or roses should be successfully grown. As an alternative, grow eight types of vegetable.

2.      Discuss with the assessor the work they have done in their garden and the results achieved.

The assessor should visit the garden at least four times during the year.


  Alternative C


1.      If the animal is a small animal, such as a dog, cat, rabbit or mouse, know its breeding habits, and how the animal should be fed, housed, exercised and trained.

2.      If the animal is a farm animal, for example, a horse, cow, sheep, pig or goat, know how it should be fed and housed, its breeding habits and economic use. Show they know how to handle the animal, for example, ride the horse or milk the cow.

3.      If the animal is a bird:

·         Caged bird - keep, feed and care for the bird.

·         Domestic bird such as a hen, bantam or pigeon - keep, feed and care for the bird. Know the uses of the bird and how to handle it.

4.      If the animals are bees, keep and manage a hive of bees for a year. Know their uses and show some of the produce.

5.      If the animals are fish:

·         Set up and keep an aquarium containing a proper balance of freshwater fish and plant life. Keep a minimum stock of three fish.

·         Discuss with the assessor the keeping of the aquarium during the year, with particular reference to the results obtained.


The assessor should be appointed at the start of the twelve-month period.


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Last updated: Monday April 19, 2004.